四级英语assure 向。…保证
zealous 热情的
up-to-date adj.时新的,新式的
stimulate v.促进,激发
conquest n.征服
cucumber n.黄瓜
cushion 坐垫
tragedy n. 悲剧
rage n.极怒
vanity n.自负
repectively adv.各自,分别
saddle n.鞍
brittle adj.易碎的
tumble v.跌倒,摔下,滚下
sink n.水槽
undo v.松开,解开
excursion n.远足
diligent adj.勤奋的
tuition n.学费
subtract v.减去
intense adj.强烈的,激烈的;紧张的;认真的
ladder n.梯子
interior adj.内部的;
impose v.把…强加给;强制实行,强迫接受
elsewhere adv. 向别处,在别处
pillar n.柱,台柱,栋梁
precise adj.精确的,恰好的
refute vt.驳斥
substantial adj.大量的
scratch n.抓痕
prosperous adj.富裕的
naval adj.海军的,军舰的
veteran n.老兵
moisture n.湿气
bay m.海湾。港湾
assembly n.集会
axis n.坐标轴
maid n.女仆
gasoline n.汽油
triumph n.胜利,凯旋、
mutter v.低声说
quotation n.引文
oblige v.迫使
shield n. 盾牌
throne n.王座
disguise v.伪装,掩饰
hasty adj.匆忙的
dwelling n.住所
scatter v.分散,撒开,散播
lever n.杠杆
beneath prep.在…下方
brook n.小溪
density n.密度
domestic adj.国产的 例句:I am a big fan of domestic products.我是国货的铁杆粉丝
cellar n.酒窖
merchant n.商人
grave adj.严肃的,庄重的 The warriors’ expressions were grave as they noticed the enemy comming .战士们注意到敌人来了,表情严肃
bold adj.大胆自信的,勇于冒险的、醒目的
dim adj.暗淡的 This lamp gives out a dim light .这盏灯发出遗书微弱的灯光.
abuse n.滥用,虐待,辱骂 The insomniac needs to stop his drub abuse or he will be more ill.这个失眠症患者必须停止滥用药物,否则他会病得更严重
bundle n.捆,包